
Dangerously organic!

In Senegal, drinking tea is an important ritual. I picked up these two tea packets at a local news stand in Dakar, the capital of Senegal and in Kaolack, a rural town south of Dakar. These tea boxes contain just enough tea for a pot or two. They cost about $0.50 each. If you're interested in seeing some pictures of Kaolack, click here.

Here's one way tea is served in Senegal: Street vendors have tea stands along sidewalks. The tea is brewed and poured into a small glass, similar to a shot glass. This is where the ceremony begins! The tea server pours the tea in a long, high stream from one tea glass to another. The tea froths after several pours. The froth is similar to coffee crema. If you look closely at the tea box on the right side of the photo, you can see the brown froth.

It's a beautiful, fascinating ritual. Tea culture in Senegal. Try it!

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