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Home Van - Point-in-Time Survey (Sponsored by the National Coalition for the Homeless)

On Tuesday, January 26, the Home Van will be doing our bit in the annual Point-in-Time Survey. It is a 24-hour effort, sponsored by the National Coalition for the Homeless, to determine the number of homeless people in Gainesville (and everywhere - it is a national event) and the obstacles they face. It is very important data since it is used to determine grant money and gauge the kind of problems that need addressing.

The survey is carried out at many locations - shelters, soup kitchens, schools, the library, the jail, wooded areas, parks etc. The Home Van volunteers try to capture as many of the 'loners' as we can, who may not be counted elsewhere. This year, with the dispersal of Tent City, it is going to be an even-greater challenge to capture accurate numbers.

Some of you are Tuesday night regulars on the Home Van and already have jobs, but if you can bring a friend to help with the survey, that would be great. We need as many helpers as possible. Volunteers can meet us at the downtown plaza at 7 p.m. in the little drive-through parking lot on the east side of the plaza by the civil courthouse. Bring a flashlight, a pen, and a clipboard (Jon usually has clipboards and pens, but it's good to have some extras in case we need them.)

The survey is fairly brief and not hard to administer. Some years we get goody bags to give the paricipants, money permitting. Participation in the survey is voluntary. People should also be told that they are perfectly free to refuse to answer any particular question they aren't comfortable with. It is good to tell respondents that the reason for the survey is to help us get money to help them (in other words, we aren't just being nosy). People do not have to give their names. They can give first name only, a street nickname, or no name at all (in which case they are identified simply by gender).

We also honor the principal of self-reportage. We may know, through long experience, that a particular respondent does have an alcohol problem, but if they say they have no addiction problems, that's what we put down. We are getting a picture of the homeless community as they view themselves, and recording the needs they want help with.

I am casting my net wide here, and I know some of you will not be able to come, but I'm hoping for as many as possible. The last Tuesday in the month we usually see a lot of people.


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