
Dangerously organic!

Happy anniversary to us
Yesterday was our anniversary
I met my sweet wife
Right after I moved to Czechoslovakia
Right after 14 years of college
I had the coolest apartment
In typical communist block
I had a fabulous roommate
He was a telecommunications consultant
He went to one of them Ivy League schools

This was right after the velvet revolution
And if you don’t know what that is
Pick up a book dumbass

That’s when Czechoslovakia
Declared itself
Rid of the fucking communists
Without raising a hand
That’s why they call it
The velvet revolution
Because they should’ve buried those motherfuckers
But by the grace of God
Or something
They got rid of them

It was a huge party time

I was having the time of my life

And the only reason I got on that airplane
Was to fly back to Texas, so I could ship my car over
I sat right next to my sweetie
And she had a captive audience
She’s been all around the world
And back
And I told her I was going to marry her
That day

That was back in the day
We didn’t have smart phones
It was a hell of a long time ago
She gave me her pager number

I told her I was going to marry her

She thought I was nuts

I was nuts
I fell in love with her so bad
We dated for four years

And for the first time
I moved in with her
On a street called Cambridge

She set up this unbelievably beautiful wedding for us
In an Italian restaurant
We invited all of our friends

A lot of those guys came in from Ireland
Because my sweetheart is Irish

Whenever somebody says to her
Oh well, another foreign medical school graduate
She says
My medical school is older than your country

She totally kicks ass
She’s my best friend
This is what I got her for our anniversary
I am blessed

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