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Pete korhonen's Blog – September 2008 Archive (5)

Mixed emotions

Hello all

Sorry about the pause on the postings. There has been some things going on.

Last Sunday I learned that one fellow that used to play in band one of my bands has shared a gig for a couple of times and with whom I have been sitting in a bar chatting, talking having fun had been killed in a fire on carbon monoxide poisoning. R.I.P. So unneccessary, so sad. Gadget called carbon monoxide detector costs around $50. Get one. Today. I did, yesterday.

For that… Continue

Added by pete korhonen on September 25, 2008 at 6:30am — No Comments

Coutryside weekend

Our friends and us (me and my girlfriend) spent last weekend in countryside. Some Sauna, some beer, some boardgames, some walking trips outside, some bbq-cooking, fire in the fireplace. Very, very relaxing.

Some shots:

Apples were almost ready.

Barley was almost ready.

Sorbus berries we strikingly red.…


Added by pete korhonen on September 15, 2008 at 3:08am — No Comments

Shine like a star

Yesterday, we went on recording the forthcoming album. We finalized two more tracks with the rhythm guitar parts and some extras. Quite exiting.

After the session I was cycling home and I ran into a large group of sports fans heading towards the Olympic Stadium of Helsinki (home of Summer Games 1952) where Finland was playing againste Germany in the Football (Soccer for some Americans) World Cup qualifiers. Saw the game in tv, result was 3-3 - which is a good result - Germany being… Continue

Added by pete korhonen on September 11, 2008 at 1:49am — 1 Comment

"'cos it's raining, raining all day, and i'm diving deeper than ever.."


althought the forecasts tell that the rain will stop today and we will get some sunny and crispy weather. We'll see about that. The lyrics in the title are from Psychoplasma's song called Raining. Excellent song.

Today, after work, I am supposed to go to our "home studio" to help our guitar player to record some track to our punk-rock-bands ("Kätyrit" = The Henchmen) next album. Other guitar player - the one that is used to operate the studio - moved to Manchester… Continue

Added by pete korhonen on September 10, 2008 at 1:30am — No Comments

rainy day

took the usual morning ride to the office.
it was raining. and it was windy. somewhat autumny feeling in the air.
reminded myself that perhaps a mudguard on the rear would not neccessarily harm me.

Added by pete korhonen on September 9, 2008 at 2:30am — 1 Comment


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